well see, skrang dah pukul 11, means lagi 1 hour, HELLO 2010! hmm. i dont go anywhere, just celebrate in my room, in front of my lappy. kinda bored here! i wish i could clbrate my new year with bilya. just two of us, muehehe. okay, many thngs happened in 2009, the bad and the good ones.
The bad,
-my pmr result, yaehhh, its awful!
-i got dump by the one i love
-argue with my causin, sampai sekarang tak baik lagi. :|
-family problem. my prnts always talked abt devorce infront of me. i mean, infront of us.
The good
- trip to Genting and Kl, hell yeahhhh! its really fun.
-hang out in my friends until late
-rapat dengan ehem ehem. :(
and bnyak lagi lahhhhh!
in 2010,
-form 4, mehehe. getting older.
-study harder form the next year
-less myspacing
-more books
-less argue with my brother
-laugh with no sound
-as the eldest, be a good one :|
-having fun with my lesbian. muehehe
well people, im trying! :)
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
tomorrow is the big dayyy!
esok nak amek result, perhh. bapak takott ah! suma org tak habis2 call and text aku suro bgtau deorg aku pnya result. huhhh. hope to get a good one.
Monday, December 14, 2009
rintihan mazliza
okay, ceta ni best. besed on true story. ex bf aku yg hdiahkan dulu. haha. poyo ja an bf hadiahkan gf novel. tpi okay what, tak penah org buat. novel ni cita pasal hantu2 aa, aku mmg minat gila ahh cita2 mcm ni. hee. sian oh mazliza tu, dah la kena rogol, pastu bunuh lak. nnges2 aku baca novel niyy. sdey weyy. laki ni pantang nmpak budak lawa2, sure ada bad intention. i know not all of them mcm tu, but ada laa jugak perangai mcm tu. rogol la apa laa. try pk kalo org lain bt kat kakak or adik kau nnt, baru korang paham kn. haaa, aku da stat la nak besyarah ni. hehhh.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
skrg pkul 1.10pm. yeahhh, baru bgn. semalm tido awal tapi napa bgn lambt aa? umm. harini boring gila taktau apa nak bt,tktau nak kua pegi mna da. soo, hbiskan masa tgk tb and online je la kn.
Saturday, December 12, 2009
gosh! i hate boys!
sbb tu aa malas nak cpl ngn laki niy, haish! suka sngat ambik kesempatan. bila cpl ngn pmpn, suma kwan2 mara! depa tatau laki ni lagi terok! gatal! bnci sngguh. tak tau lnsng nak respect org.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
oh segugut
aku ckup tkot aa kw dtg. aduhai. kat org lain kw tanak dtg, kat aku jugakkkk. haihh. kalo tak skit tapa aa gak. ni smpai aku guling guling atas katil. tak ksian kat aku ka? adeh.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
kita dah la susah nak cntct, so bila da cntct tu bole tak syes? ni tak, time ym ja ada ja u nak bt, its seems that u re not srious wth me. kalo u tanak kita stay lg, u just tell me. okay? tak pyah aa nak bt mcm tu, bengang tau tak.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
i had a dream
aku mmpi aku dapat 7A. ahaha. yeahh, mmg pelik. tp an, time tu. bapak happyyy! i cant imagine how happy i am by that time. well, PMR result is coming soon. about in 2 weeks, for god sake, i cant even have a good night sleep. huh.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
doesnt matter
loving u was a biggest mistake i ever made. u dont understand what i feel and u ll never do. i love you, is that too hard to undrstand?! u never care abt my feeling. i repeat, never! okayy, i think we were never meant to be together but we were meant to say goodbye.
Monday, October 19, 2009
1st date :)
bila da penat jalan tuu, i ajak ah dya and czen2 i sume g lunch. for god sake, starving gla! haha.
ktrang order and mkan, bila da sttle mkn tu, i ngn dya pegi cashier minta bil. waiter tu kira2 smpai 110 kot kalo tak silap. bapak banyak! haha. kitang just 6 orang. mkn pun biasa1 je. bil 100 sumthing. then bila dah terbeliak mata tgk bil mhal sngat, msing2 bwak kua calculator. hha. kira apa yg mahal sngat. lawak kot tgk muka sorang time tuu. bhaha! pastu ada waiter tu dtg meja ktrang and kira lain. tgk2 62 jaa. huh! tah papa waiter tuu, report kat manager dya baru tau! lepas makan tu, jalan2 kejap then trus balik. hee. thanks sbb nak kuar gak ngn i even time tu u demam. i love youu :)
Saturday, October 10, 2009
lawak la hang. haha
wehh, nk tgelak aku tgk vdeo ni. haha. time aku sdeh aku tgk vdeo ni sure mood aku okay blik. hek. thanks wehh. hng kwan aku dunia akirat. tudiaa, over. haha. best kwan ngn hgn. sekepala ngn aku. haha. ily amaniii :)
Friday, October 9, 2009
on 7th September morning, pagi2 buta around 7 am mcm biasa, lambat lg. check msg. org pakat wish gud luck. malas nk baca sbb diorang ckap suma benda sama. haha. then tggu 5 minit, aesya msg, dya ckap "bm and agama mmg dah sah A la nohh?" erk? Aesyaaa, mnada. im not that smart. ;p mcm biasa, pagi2 bising kat mama cari baju sek. mandi2 trus p skolah. everyone was there and baca yassin aku still kalut lari2 trus p anjung and ikot diorang baca yasin. huhhh. baru ja duduk, alin kata "hang mai lambat lagi tak boleh?" biaq kat aku la nk mai pkul brpa ponn! boooo!
lepas2 baca yasin teacher bg tips2 pastu bratur trus msuk dewan. biasa la kn, first day tu mmg nervous but i still faced it greatly sampai depa cakap "hang nmpak happy ja, ta takot ka?" nak tkot apa wehh,PMR ja pon. chewahhh, kemas gyla. haha. pkul 8.10 kot Bm start, and ktrang pon doa2 and trus start. smbil2 aku jwab exam tu, aku trtgk org depan aku tu, ta habis2 baca soa. i meann, LAMA GILA! Mcm nak tnya ja, hng baca yasin ka weh? tp aku taw exam so aku bt bodo jaa. habis exam paper 1 rehat sat then sambung paper 2, aku takot bahagian D tuhh, novel. forgod sake, mmg aku tak penah baca. haha. what for? novel tu boring. errr. as ussual, baca doa and jalan msuk dewan. cikgu sruh sambil jalan smbil selawat. aku nk selawat pon ta bole, amani bnyak sngat bunyi, sat tnya tu sat tnya tu. aku layan jaa. haha. dapat2 paper aku buka bahagian D trus, YESS! dya mintak peristiwa. hhaa. senang jeaaa. aku pon bt mcm biasa. merapu bestgyla. haha. 30 minit exam start dah ada org tido. i was like wehh! PMR LAHH! nak tido balik ampa tido lahh! tp LEM THEM BE. ahaha.
abis bm tggu paper agama plak,pkol 2. emm. mcm biasa, lapaq weh! aku p bawah anjung, tunggu abah. 15 mint tunggu ta sampai2. aku ajak la amani and alin p public, nak call abah.
sampai sana, dail num abah( yg tu pun nk gatau kn, haha. suka hati aku la) then abah angkat, aku tnya la dya ada mna? selamber s-dya jwab "kat umah la, awat?" aku pon "WHAT?!" aku dah laa starving gylaa! aku bebai gyla. then dya ckap 15 minit dya smpai. mcm biasa, tnggu,tnggu and tggu. 10 minit pastu abah mai, aku p kat dya ngn muka bengang. dya tnya " cena exam, boleh?" aku kata la boleh jaa. then dya kata "tanya suma boleh" laaa, bila ckap tak bole satgi cakp apa plak, bila ckap bole, byak bunyi. haha. pkul 2 sart exam, agama. depa ckap senang, ya la kot. pas abeh jwab tu semak laa. then rasa mcm ada soalan trtinggal. check balik, OMG! satu soalan tryinggal, dah la lg 5 minit exam nk hbis. aku pon angkat tgn and mintak kertas kat pmriksa tu. waaa. time tu nervous gyla. tgn ketaq2 nk tlis pon. haha. suma usya aku. haha. biaq lahh. hbis aku bt tu, trus dya kutip kertas. :)
lepas2 baca yasin teacher bg tips2 pastu bratur trus msuk dewan. biasa la kn, first day tu mmg nervous but i still faced it greatly sampai depa cakap "hang nmpak happy ja, ta takot ka?" nak tkot apa wehh,PMR ja pon. chewahhh, kemas gyla. haha. pkul 8.10 kot Bm start, and ktrang pon doa2 and trus start. smbil2 aku jwab exam tu, aku trtgk org depan aku tu, ta habis2 baca soa. i meann, LAMA GILA! Mcm nak tnya ja, hng baca yasin ka weh? tp aku taw exam so aku bt bodo jaa. habis exam paper 1 rehat sat then sambung paper 2, aku takot bahagian D tuhh, novel. forgod sake, mmg aku tak penah baca. haha. what for? novel tu boring. errr. as ussual, baca doa and jalan msuk dewan. cikgu sruh sambil jalan smbil selawat. aku nk selawat pon ta bole, amani bnyak sngat bunyi, sat tnya tu sat tnya tu. aku layan jaa. haha. dapat2 paper aku buka bahagian D trus, YESS! dya mintak peristiwa. hhaa. senang jeaaa. aku pon bt mcm biasa. merapu bestgyla. haha. 30 minit exam start dah ada org tido. i was like wehh! PMR LAHH! nak tido balik ampa tido lahh! tp LEM THEM BE. ahaha.
abis bm tggu paper agama plak,pkol 2. emm. mcm biasa, lapaq weh! aku p bawah anjung, tunggu abah. 15 mint tunggu ta sampai2. aku ajak la amani and alin p public, nak call abah.
sampai sana, dail num abah( yg tu pun nk gatau kn, haha. suka hati aku la) then abah angkat, aku tnya la dya ada mna? selamber s-dya jwab "kat umah la, awat?" aku pon "WHAT?!" aku dah laa starving gylaa! aku bebai gyla. then dya ckap 15 minit dya smpai. mcm biasa, tnggu,tnggu and tggu. 10 minit pastu abah mai, aku p kat dya ngn muka bengang. dya tnya " cena exam, boleh?" aku kata la boleh jaa. then dya kata "tanya suma boleh" laaa, bila ckap tak bole satgi cakp apa plak, bila ckap bole, byak bunyi. haha. pkul 2 sart exam, agama. depa ckap senang, ya la kot. pas abeh jwab tu semak laa. then rasa mcm ada soalan trtinggal. check balik, OMG! satu soalan tryinggal, dah la lg 5 minit exam nk hbis. aku pon angkat tgn and mintak kertas kat pmriksa tu. waaa. time tu nervous gyla. tgn ketaq2 nk tlis pon. haha. suma usya aku. haha. biaq lahh. hbis aku bt tu, trus dya kutip kertas. :)
izham, im sorry
i know i hurt ur feeling a lot. i cheated on u. yeahhh, im too bad fr u. now ur gone, and im totally pissed off. i hope u will find the PERFECT girl fr u to loved. and that girl is abslutely NOT me. best of luck in ur PMR. Take care :)
Saturday, September 5, 2009
izham darling ;)
izham izham izham, i love you! and i really2 do hehe.u give me yhe world. hek. u're the best boyfie i ever had. :) no one can replace u in my heart. everyone knows that. haha. i love the way u treat me and i love the way u said u love me although smetimes i say "brapa kali nk ckap?" haha. even im not answer but trust me darling, everytme u say that, my heart beat faster and u cant imagine how happy i am to know that. :) u're so kind to me. u teach me drive and take me out everyday. we have a wonderful momment together. u call me everyday to tell that u love me. hee. i will never frget that and i will never frget u sayang. we've been together for almost three month and im so lucky to called u my bf.iloveyou. i hope tht our relationship will last longer. and i hope u love me as i do. again, iloveyou. :)
Friday, August 7, 2009
7th August 2009. The worst day ever! huh. kna hentam ngn mydad. OMG! first time kna. HAHA! Taapa, mmg slah aku pon. tp tp tp sakittt okay! adeh. abah, kalau nak hentam tu slow lahh. nnges2 aku kna. thats it. :)
Friday, July 17, 2009
Why is it everytime I try.It always comes back as a lie.I could believe in the words that you say to me.But lately I think I wont agree.What makes the world go by.If you cannot crush my life.What holds you up so high.When you want it all the time.Coz we will be fine in matter of time.Subject to my mind.As were crossing the line.Directions to see.Perfection to be.A pain of a kind.Always crashing on me.Suffercate, time, matter I'll be fine.And the days they go on and on.As all the time I'm all alone!It never pays me to say that I'm not ok.
But you still have time to make fun of me.Huhh! sick of that.
But you still have time to make fun of me.Huhh! sick of that.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
wake up bella!
enuf for staying in ur dreaming world! u are in form 3 and totally gonna sit fr ur PMR this year. so what the fucking hell you do now? just wasting ur fcking time doing NOTHING! wake up! u are not born to have a good life forever. open ur eyes, u are big enuf to think. dont wasting ur time on just wthcng tv cause its not worth it at all. please change bella. its for ur own good.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
izham darling ;)

Dear diary,
today i am sooo happy.At last i found him. HAHA! He's name is Ku Izham Ku Ibrahim. We've been friends for 3 years. yeahh,quiet long. hehe. Knowing him is the best moment in my life. He such a funny person i ever meat. He always make me laugh,make me happy. Im so glad i found u. U make my darkness life disapeare. U make me frget the pass and start a new life. U had change me darling. and yeahh, im very appreciate that. iloveyouizhamdarling. Mmuahx! :)
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